Disclaimer: Coupon Admin users are advised to use the Chrome Extension and the Bookmarklet responsibly and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the websites they are accessing. Any consequences arising from the use of this extension, including but not limited to account-related issues, are the sole responsibility of the user.

How to use Coupon Admin

You can use Coupon Admin on your desktop or mobile phone.

  • Desktop Support: To use Coupon Admin in your desktop browser, you can either download the Coupon Admin Chrome Extension for Chrome or you can add the Bookmarklet Code as a bookmark to any browser (works on Chrome & Safari).

  • Mobile Support: To use Coupon Admin in your mobile browser, you can only use the Bookmarklet Code by saving the short snippet of JavaScript as a bookmark in your preferred browser (works in Chrome & Safari, might work in other mobile browsers). When you are on your store’s digital savings site, open your mobile bookmarks and select the bookmark you created with the bookmarklet. By selecting the bookmarklet, it will run the JavaScript and Coupon Admin will activate.
How to use the Bookmarklet

Sign up to receive the bookmarklet code via email here. Then copy the code from the email and then add a new bookmark to your browser on your desktop or mobile phone. If you are using your mobile phone you might have to create the bookmark first for any website. Then save the bookmark and then go back and edit the bookmark. Paste the bookmarklet code if the URL field and click save. Now when you are on your store’s digital savings site, open your bookmarks and click the newly created bookmark with the Coupon Admin code.